Charles and Clara disliked the weather in South Dakota.
Spring storms had created tornadoes near the Link farm. Buildings were damaged, people had died. It was in this frame of mind that C.U. Link received word from the New Mexico Land and Immigration Company of Topeka, KS, about what he came to regard as a possible way out of their weather woes.
Representation of what the Circle Bar brand may have looked like.Promotional materials from the New Mexico Land and Immigration Company depicted the brand as an O with a slash through it.
From a practical standpoint, it was too late to go back to Indiana. So a way through and forward was needed. Enticements arrived from the New Mexico Land and Immigration Company centered on a planned city in Quay County, NM, named Obar. It was named to take advantage of the adventure the local Circle Bar Ranch suggested. The Links hoped some of the last homesteading land might improve their situation.