Dispite a prior decade of above-average rain, homesteaders who followed the promise of the town of Obar were disappointed by too little water.
Read MoreThroughout the Southwest, the weather was uncharacteristically wet for most of the decade prior to the establishment of Obar. The climate otherwise was not well known by most potential homesteaders.
Read MoreOne of the reasons you have heard of Tucumcari, New Mexico, is that two railroads crossed there in the late 1800s created a hub. That potential was likely for Obar.
Read MoreNot all land available to homesteading was capable of supporting a farm. The Links decided to find other ways of drawing in funds to support the family.
Read MoreLike most history lost to time, once the physical evidence is gone and memories fade, if there is no record, that information is gone. In many ways, that is happening to the once lively town where the Links homesteaded from 1908-1914.
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