Use Education to Gain Commitment
People do not believe what your company says about itself. That is why testimonials and reviews are more important than ten years ago. If your communications focus on what you have to sell, rather than who you are, you could be missing an opportunity to build trust and mutual respect.
Training helps put you and your customer on the same side of the table.
Rather than talking about yourself - the industry leader, your one-stop resource, our people are the best - you can demonstrate who you are through taking an educational approach. Explaining how things work through educational communications does three things at once:
It helps establish you as a subject-matter expert. Potential buyers want to feel as if you know what your industry is about and can help them make good decisions or solve problems.
It allows you to provide value. If you are truly educating - which is different from funneling people into making a decision you want them to make - you are elevating your customer. And educated customers are less expensive to service and sell to.
It puts you and the customer on the same side of the table, working together to understand the information needed to make a good buying decision.
Help customers and prospects know why you may be best equipped to help them - or why they should look elsewhere, which saves you both money - by educating them to make better decisions. Instead of telling them you are the best, the most dedicated or have their interests in mind, show them what they should know so they can draw their own conclusions as to your expertise.
If you would like help providing expert information, we can help you here.