Become a Top-of-Mind Business by Posting Value

Think back to a time you were working toward dating someone who caught your interest. Or were being approached. Was communication important? Of course, the most minor detail probably became significant. How about frequency? If you were on the phone or texting, what did you or the other person think about long pauses between communications? What if you, or they, called too often or made you feel as if they were stalking you in several places, like going to a coffee shop you frequent. Did that build rapport or mistrust? What was the affect of talking about yourself too much or even bragging?

Customers say and show that they buy more often from companies or brands they are familiar with. Like dating, that takes communications. You are going from perhaps being unknown to a situation where trust and comfort are desired to see if the relationship needs to go further. You can accomplish familiarity by posting and getting your posts in places where they can be seen.

Your task requires a few basic elements to help the relationship move forward:

  1. You need to post communications of value to the persons you are seeking to relate to. If your posts are focused around telling how your company is better, or trying to sell something right off the bat, it is human nature to turn away. You need to show your capability to be of use, because people do not believe what companies say about themselves, their products and services or their staff.

  2. When you are posting communications that help your intended audience know more about you, and ways you can help them, it is important that they begin to anticipate your communication. Five to seven recent, but not too frequent, experiences with your content will begin to create an impression. But you then need to continue so that you remain on their minds. You have to be consistent until a moment of truth arises, when what you have communicated intersects with their perceived needs.

  3. You need to have a system that produces messages of value, delivered on a schedule that becomes anticipated but not overbearing, and that show a unique way you can meet a need connected with the topic.

Most small businesses are not competing on a global scale with other large corporations. Small business needs a different approach from national or global companies. One that shows:

  1. What your business does that solves a specific business pain or fills a desire. That approach should be focused and unique to your market area.

  2. How you can deliver that specialized promise.

  3. Why the buyer, customer, client or prospect will be pleased they responded to your brand. This is best shown through example.

It is best to start with a manageable plan that can be kept up with routine input that does not require a lot of time. It is more important to get started and to be communicating on an anticipated frequency - not a rigid one - on a few platforms than to expand too quickly and get bound up in details.

If you are interested in seeing a simple plan to do this with our help, we can help you here.

Rick Link