Tucson #KeepLocalAlive Post Draft
My son and I would like to introduce ourselves to Tucson KeepLocalAlive.
We like to tackle small business jobs you may need but lack the exact staffing to launch, or have hesitated about contacting a larger firm. But these tasks are still important, and should not be set aside. My experience in small business has shown that doing certain tasks, none of the overwhelming, regularly and in bite-sized chunks over time adds cumulatively to better recognition for your brand. And recognition equates to just about everything for a small business.
I am Rick Link, and my website is at www.linkdirectdesign.com. My son, Guy Link, has his own site that can be linked from my home page. Here are some of our specialties:
Guy provides design-build services that can improve products you make, create new products from scratch with your staff, make production easier with jig designs, organize workspaces, develop beautiful wood expressions, or create renderings and videos to showcase your product or service. He uses the latest technologies but will not bog you down in techno speak. Some of Guy’s recent work includes artistic display kiosks and a wall-length “wave bench” at a recently opened dispensary downtown, furniture for rooms in a new boutique hotel - also downtown - and a plastic and wood form jig that helped a local baker cook up a minor revolution in how they produced one of their specialties. He also enjoys mentoring the kids in Bit Buckets as one of the coaches, a local robotics team that just returned from Las Vegas with silver medals in the regional playoffs. He has an RC-controlled aircraft mentoring and vehicle site, HeridiumRC. There is more on Guy at his About page.
Like Guy, I also enjoy helping small business projects, and have specialized in using education of customers and prospects to build more aligned and loyal clients. Some of those concepts for small business you might find useful, I have written about in 10-list style blog. Just scroll down to the six buttons and select “10 Proven Marketing Tasks.” If you’re interested in visuals of work examples, just click on the Gallery.
I have worked in marketing for many other companies both on- and off-staff (including my own service and products business) located in Chicago, Kansas City and now here in Tucson, a fantastic city I am glad to enjoy. And earlier in my work, I helped two tech firms launch their lines, edited copy for a large Texas daily newspaper for a short time, and took over my father’s business, growing it several fold, but still a true small business.
Thanks for letting us join this group and giving ourselves a shout out! We are both excited to help with new projects.