Data-Driven Marketing Helps You Determine the Cleaning Issues
Gather Data and Comments from Stakeholders
Iterative Cleaning Improvement App
The Iterative Cleaning Feedback Loop
Data collection is central to improving any system. We can help you offer this to end-users to build a foundation for co-managing the results. Access to soft data allows you to start the co-management process with prospects and customers.
The Iterative Cleaning Improvement App can be filled out on a desktop as a form, or called up on a tablet or smartphone and used as an application. Click to open the survey below. It can also be called up on your smartphone and used on-site.
The results of reports coming in from this application are presented to you for your analysis. The iterative process helps identify the issues where improvements are needed.
Comments give great clues for the use of your staff in co-managing with prospect or customer management to refine and create the next prototype cleaning solution. This may or may not involve a change or addition to current equipment or protocols. If changes are indicated, a written report and training become part of your co-management assistance to the prospect.
Once the new cleaning regimen is shared and a quarter has passed for results to take place, another round of feedback is sampled.